Griffin, Tifton, Online 캠퍼스: 가을학기 7월 20일/ 봄학기 11월 20일/ 여름학기 5월 20일
- NO SAT/ACT Requirements
- 30학점 이상 소유 필수
*Transfer Equivalency:
*You are eligible for transfer admission consideration to the undergraduate program on UGA’s Athens campus if you have:
1. 30-59 completed hours of transferable credit by the application deadline,
2. graduated from high school at least 12 months prior to the term of intended enrollment,
3. completed at least one year of college by the term of intended enrollment, and
4. a 3.30 or higher calculated transfer GPA.
*You are eligible for transfer admission consideration to the undergraduate programs on UGA’s Athens, Griffin, Tifton,or Online campuses if you have:
1. 60 or more completed hours of transferable credit by the application deadline,
2. graduated from high school at least 12 months prior to the term of intended enrollment,
3. completed at least one year of college by the term of intended enrollment, and
5. Tifton, Griffin, or Online campuses require Program Coordinator Authorization