제외 전공: (Global Liberal Studies, Liberal Studies Core Program, Music Composition program, Music Business and Media, Culture, and Communication programs, Stern School of Business, Dance, Drama, Dramatic Writing, Film and Television*, Game Design, Interactive Media Arts, Photography and Imaging, Recorded Music 제외)
- 이하의 조건을 충족하지 않으면 ①SAT(코드: 2562) /②ACT(코드: 2838) 중 하나의 성적 제출 필수:
1. 32학점 이상 수료
2. 1년 이상 대학교 재학
* An audition or portfolio for art and music programs at the Steinhardt School and Tisch School of the Arts.
*College별 Prerequisite Courses: https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/how-to-apply/transfer-applicants/additional-program-requirements.html 참조
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